ground cubed | public engagement
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Jacques Lodge - Engagement




Prior to submitting the Land Use Amendment / Outline Plan (rezoning) application, we conducted engagement with stakeholders. This included an Online Open House, an online survey, meetings, and informal conversations with stakeholders. We have also been meeting regularly with the Shaganappi Community Association.


Letter to Neighbours


On September 4th, we mailed a letter to all Shaganappi residents north of Bow Trail to provide an update on the application. You can read the letter by clicking here.


Application Concept


Feedback from our initial engagement period informed changes to our development concept. Please view the following video for a summary of what we heard during our initial engagement period and how our concept evolved with stakeholder feedback.


Initial Concept


Prior to finalizing our application, we conducted engagement with stakeholders to get feedback. This included an Online Open House and Live Question & Answer period, as well as informal stakeholder meetings. The videos from our Online Open House and Live Question & Answer period are included below.

Please see our “What We Heard” report for more information about our initial stakeholder engagement process.


Pre-recorded Engagement Presentation – May 7, 2020


Recorded Live Q&A session – May 7, 2020