What’s New
Throughout 2020 and early 2021, we worked to address feedback from the local community and The City of Calgary and we are pleased to share that our Outline Plan application was approved by Calgary Planning Commission on March 18, 2021 and the Land Use Amendment application was approved by City Council on April 12, 2021. We look forward to continuing to provide updates as the development process progresses.
Overall Outline Plan
Our approved Outline Plan, which details the different development sites, the location of the Municipal Reserve (public park) spaces, and street intersection locations, now includes three separate Direct Control Districts. These are:
Direct Control (DC) District 1: This District still includes the three sub-sites shown before (Sites 1, 2 and 3).
Direct Control (DC) District 2: This District includes the area previously known as “Site 4.”
Direct Control (DC) District 3: This District includes the area previously known as “Site 5.”
The approved Outline Plan, including the three separate Direct Control Districts, is shown below. Please note that the housing types that would be allowed under each District have not changed.
DC 3 / Site 5 (Future Apartment Building Site)
Within our proposed Land Use Districts, Direct Control (DC) District 3 (formerly known as Site 5) is identified as the location for a future apartment building. Located along the site’s southeast corner, DC 3 / Site 5 is adjacent to existing residential homes across 24 Street SW. In earlier stages of the application, we heard concerns from the local community regarding the location of the future apartment building and the impacts such a building may have on residents east of 24 Street SW.
We firmly believe DC 3 / Site 5 is the “right” location for an apartment building. However, in response to local feedback, we have modified the proposed regulations for DC 3 / Site 5 to restrict the future building envelope in such a way that will ensure a sensitive transition to the existing development. These proposed regulations will allow for a maximum building height of 10 metres (approximately 3 storeys) directly adjacent to 24 Street SW. The building will then be able to “step up” to 16 metres (4-5 storeys). After 16 metres, the height will increase proportionately within a “line of sight” to a maximum of 26 metres.
We have also included a limit to the Floor-Area-Ratio (FAR) for DC 3 / Site 5 of 2.5. This will further restrict the size of a future building.
Please see the illustrative cross-section diagram below, which outlines the current land use entitlement for the site, as well as the proposed height rules as per our proposed regulations.